Iraq was under American occupation for almost a decade. Show me evidences found by the Americans of those imaginary WMDs held by Saddam, or just shut up. The United States Armed Forces is having the possession of the largest chemical and biological weapon inventory in the world. Before accusing someone else of WMDs, first destroy yours.
Sargat, northern iraq. Chemical and biological weapons manufacturing and storage facility, with traces of ricin and other weapons clearly detected during operation viking hammer. How you conveniently ignore the fact that he gassed thousands of kurds. What, they passed wind to the kurds to choke them to death?
Do your own fucking research before crying over your dead excuse. US abided by its convention of ban on biological and chemical weapons, and have not used them within the last 30 years of warfare. Some countries, on the other hand, liked to use theirs even in smallest amounts as soon as they get their hands on them.
Either learn to do some proper research, or fuck off and keep that mouth shut.
Also even countries that did not participate in the war generally agreed that the world was a better place with Saddaam out of power
These people need to get fucked to pieces under real occupation to understand what it means.
Whole world wanted saddam gone. At least there's choice after he's dead.