Cryptocurrencies, especially memes, have a much larger supply than dollar and other fiat currencies, If a person's purchasing power is to increase, more and more dollars and other fiat currencies need to be printed, The gold supply theory and the petrodollar theory in printing dollars must be completely eliminated, Because economically, these ideas of making the society prosperous are baseless, Similarly, increasing productivity to lead to economic prosperity is also a baseless theory, Because you need capital to increase production, And to get capital you need loans, And you need more production to pay off the debt, While the population of the world and the needs of the people are not increasing in the proportion in which the production is increasing, Moreover, even if production is increased, people are not prosperous, people do not have money, In all this, banks are only in profit and people are in loss, Because we have completely ignored the fundamental theory of necessity, Which is in addition to gold and production and this is labor, While AI is going to end this too, dollars and fiat currencies should be completely independent, There should be no need to repay loans or pay interest, Banks should be fully at the disposal of governments to issue loans to the people without any hindrance, Along with this, there should be no need to pledge any capital to get the loan
All this are getting someone all worked out, but clearly we know that the government runs almost every aspect of the economy but their indulgence in these doesn't stop the development of cryptocurrencies .
The more they raise down the volume,the more higher the volume will become.
Let's look at the economy sector,its a large space for cultivating every demands but an individual should be conversant with all of that rather than being indempted to the governments.
I think most of the monetary policies set in place as regards any individual getting loans without interest is restricted to some elite few that have become familiar with how money moves. The reality is that there isn't any money. An individual will have to find a way to make more money with money, that's one rule in this life that even the rich can't escape from. The interest these days have made loans to be paid quite difficult to pay back, but one thing I learnt from someone is to first payback the interest of any loan taken, before the main loan is to be settled in total.