I do wonder if Itlay is telling the truth about the disease and most other countries are lying about it.
My logic is as follows USA flu death rates yearly flux between 20,000-70,000
This leaves a lot of space to call a corona-v death a simple flu death.
Since Trump's people placed the bet that this would be a non-event they would be inclined to do very little corona-v testing and the numbers would be under reported.
Italy has really bad death rate more then 5%
China has a low death rate under 3% that is a big variation in death rate.
all info below is from here
world wide is 121,564 caught it 4,373 total dead 66,239 Recovered
80,969 china ............................ 3152
10,149 italy ..............................631
9,000 iran ..............................354
7,755 korea
2,174 spain
1,784 france
1,629 germany
1,050 USA .............................. 29
The Italian death rate is really high 6.21%
the USA death rate is 2.76%
the Chinese death rate is 3.89%
So who is reporting correctly.
I know USA wants to underreport
Maybe Italy is over reporting to get some fiat printed
who knows.