This was asked and answered before and I'm not sure what you expect to see here. We can write any science fiction essay we want and I would be surprised if reality will not beat at least some of them.
I like to think that bitcoin will be used as reserve by central banks, only large transactions will go on-chain and the bulk will happen on alternative channels (LN and similar), also that even states or banks will mine (for a good hash rate and also for including their own transactions into the mined blocks).
so.. you want bitcoin to become a government network.. and users thrown over to silly subnetworks that have flaws and no security.. um no.. but ill just say: goodbye, so long and thanks for the fish.. if thats your guide to the crypto galaxy
id rather us normal folk get to use the secure bitcoin network and its the banks that do stupid stuff charging people middle men fees on their silly corporate designed subnetworks that require middle-men to route payments.
for anyone that thinks that bitcoin should be limited to say 6000tx a block with a $30 fee per tx to give pools $180k. a block are thinking rather narrow mindedly.. but in a narrowminded mindset of what benefits central banks/corporate banks.. not users/customers.
so lets use FIAT wire and a corporate payment system as an example..
if it costs users $30 to make a wire transfer no one will want to use it. even if its just to lock-in to another subnetwork. people wont even want to pay $60 a month to unlock-relock value into different payment system offering cheap fees once locked in..
imagine it like paypal saying they operate faster than bank wire transfer and only charge 1cent. but there is a $60 monthly fee to get in-out of paypal to audit/settle account. people would avoid paypal and bank wire transfers and find a different currency altogether
the solution is not to make wire transfers expensive and hope paypal win customers whilst keeping people semi linked to 'dollar'. becasue people would end up just avoiding the dollar and instead convert to pound or lira.. the solution is to make dollar wire transfers better. and then have the silly niche sub services for thinks like starbucks loyalty cards and apple giftcards for payments within them systems
by having more transactions per block means each user pays less
EG the (if lean) possibility of 4200tx a block in 2014-2016(1mb allotment)... means (if lean) we could have had 16800 tx in 2017-2023 without breaking the 4mb accepted allotment.. and by 2140 knowing storage space for terrabytes would be like 1mb floppy disk prices of 1999.. we could have more then 16k tx per block. meaning users pay pennies not dozens of dollars
we are no longer in the pre-millenium era where 1mb cost $1
and in 2140 gigabytes wont be more then pennies