but declaring an spv node and a pruned node as being the same as a full node makes people not want to be a full node because they are lulled into the delusion that theres no point being a full node.
I didnt do that. I just said full nodes that are not accepting inbound connections are still contributing to the network. Less so then nodes that accepting inbound connections or nodes that can help you sync, yes, but still contributing. Whereas the gavin quote suggest that unless you can hold 100 connections you are bad for the network.
-snip offtopic sideshow-
full nodes are full nodes for a reason.
fully verify data, not fully fill the default 125 connection slots.
im not talking about connection slots. im talking about being a full part of the network. more so im on about validation and access to full data.
but to answer your opinion when it comes to connection counts
the less connections you have the more hops(relays) data has to do to reach everyone
EG if 74 nodes had 74 connections each. the data will reach all nodes in one hop.. 74*74=5476
anything below 74 wont be enough to reach all the 5400 in one hop. some will require a couple hops
however there is a big leap with less nodes.
18 nodes connected to 18 nodes connected to 18 nodes can reach everyone in 2 hops
9 nodes connected to 9 nodes connected to 9 nodes connected to 9 nodes can reach everyone in 3 hops
6 nodes connected to 6 nodes connected to 6 nodes connected to 6 nodes connected to 6 nodes can reach everyone in 4 hops
so athough having 6 connections, and moving it to 9 connections (if they all done it) gets everyone having the data in 3 instead of 4 hops
trying to get everyone having the data within the next hop requires 74 connections+
so many deem this as being a bottleneck if some of them 74 nodes are not then passing it onto 74 nodes themselves
i personally dont see a reason to need 125 connections as a default but if everyone had just 6 connections.. they are just causing data to need to bounce around a bit longer then whats deemed most efficient.
though to counter that. only 75 nodes need to connect to 75 nodes each... meaning the other 5300 nodes RECEIVING it can do whatever the hell they like because the data would have already been received by the time the other nodes wanna play funny business about how many they should connect to
and this is where i feel core are re-inventing the 'supernode' concept. using things like their 'fibre' brand.
lets say they have 80 specific nodes with 80 connections each . everyone gets the data in one hop.
leaving everyone else free to loop it through however many/little they want
though good for data migration, it does then make 'fibre' the gate keepers of data if they are the centre of the distribution network