the key is good money management, if they have good money management of course the money they have will not be wasted, investing it is one way to make money safe but it also needs to be paid attention because currently there are many investments that are fraudulent, from here we have to being able to see well and determine that if you want to make an investment you have to have good understanding, don't invest carelessly because the aim of investing is to secure money, not lose it even though there are risks, they can be avoided by doing it well.
Having a plan from the start is good, because that will determine the future. investing in obvious things can be profitable many people work hard to earn money and to survive. We must be able to manage our finances well whether by saving or investing but saving is the most important thing and everyone should do it because not everyone can invest.
Financial management is of course a very important thing for everyone to be able to do because no matter how much income someone has, it will be very useless if they don't manage it well, and if we choose to invest, of course the most important thing is to understand it first. be good about the investment that we will carry out because without understanding it well, of course it will be very unlikely that we will be able to carry out the investment well.
I agree with you that if we decide to invest, of course we have to have a plan first so that we can overcome every obstacle we will face and without being able to solve every problem that exists in the investment we are running, of course this will make us unable to persist in the investments that we carry out and if we still cannot invest then we can first choose to save so that when we have sufficient funds we will be able to invest.
It's true what you say, no matter how much money a person makes, if there is no good money management then it is all useless. because the absence of money management allows for expenses that are not considered first, many people when they have money only fulfill what they want rather than what they need, of course this happens because there is no good money management. Likewise with making investments, of course we have to be able to consider it first because it determines the results that will occur later.
That's right, of course to invest we have to have enough money and the way to have enough money is definitely by saving. Everyone should be able to save, even though their financial situation is unstable, they have to look for opportunities to increase or improve their financial situation, because I am sure everyone definitely wants a comfortable life. Apart from that, we must be able to balance and think about what things must be prepared before making an investment, the aim is so that the investment made is not disturbed by other things.
Management, Discipline, Control and simply being responsible. Then you wont really be finding your riches to be deplete or would really be totally be blown away. For someone who do
able to achieve such Pinaccle of success or someone who had been through tons of hardship and challenges then it wont really be something new for them and its unlikely that they would really
be lost of track on how they would really be managing their money. Of course with this shit economical degradation we do have then everyone do really suffer out that day to day survival on living
and if you wont really be that wise in regarding on how you would be able to earn money and make savings or making up some other income source then your fucked up as the years passing by.
This is why it would really be that important that you should really know on what you are really that tends to do. On the moment that you would be finding yourself to be that impulsive
and having no plans or being that gambler like kind of approach specially in doing investment or business, then you are just finding yourself on getting burned in the end.