I agree with you, not everyone understands good money management. Sometimes they get carried away by the surrounding environment which leads them to spend money they shouldn't. Also, to invest, we must be able to increase our knowledge about investing, don't invest without lacking understanding, so that we can experience losses.
An important lesson in managing finances is management and if someone does not have management it will be much more difficult to live life. When finances are unstable, the main step we take is how to stabilize income, not the other way around trying to think about investing or doing business.
Unstable financial conditions will make it much more difficult to make financial plans because we are busy with ways to make money for our needs. Look for a good job to generate income because with income it will be much easier to make investment plans and build a business.
The environment is not a benchmark, but we can avoid environments that are not good for life processes that are much worse. Everyone should have the ability to manage time, manage finances and make plans for the future.
The need for this must be prepared because it is not easy to find a stable financial source.
It is true that we can avoid environments that are suddenly not good for our own good. but this depends on us, because there are people who want to survive in an environment that is not good because it makes them comfortable. I myself admit that when we are trapped in an unfavorable environment it makes us comfortable, but the good thing is that I can be aware so that I have the courage to move forward for my own good, because I am aware that my future is determined by us alone.
But your surroundings matters too. Familiarity, even if financially poor, is a trap. A gently sinking ship wouldn't keep you. Honesty and flexibility are required. Give yourself a challenging atmosphere, not a stale one. Your money works for your aspirations, not against them