I think that the purpose of the OP’s post is that thinking about the future is better than living one day at a time. Although relying only on investments, I would call it a so-so activity. While we are young, we must earn a name, which then must bring money from the name. Making some profit and building your own business that will generate profit from it can be a good cushion for the future. But as for health, you should take care of it not when you begin to feel that it is deteriorating. However, I think the OP is young, his understanding is going in the right direction, and his investments will be able to provide him with a noble old age.
It’s certainly a good motivation to start investing while you are young and is highly able to, but that does not mean that you will also prioritize making money and make your health as your second priority. Health is wealth as well so it should be given the highest regard more than any aspects.
However, I also get what OP’s main concern. Don’t just wait for your health to deteriorate and see your talents and skills go vanish without using them. If you can invest now, then do it now. Start while you are young so you can make the best of it and just completely enjoy your old age.
Always think up ahead and never ever make yourself that being confident that you could really be earning forever or having that good body condition because everything on this world would really be temporal
or something that could age. This is why it would really be wise that you should be making up that back up plans for whatever bad conditions that could happen. We should really be that getting prepared for whatever
that we are really that trying out to do because there's no such thing about permanent into this world on which it would really be best that you should really be considering on trying out to establish yourself for the better.
Dont let yourself that getting that huge regret just because you have missed out on doing something earlier. Regrets do always come at the end and not on the beginning.
This is why you should really be that wise on trying to find or look on whats the best approach and actions that you should be making so that you would really be able to avoid those unfortunate conditions.
We are hoping for the best and this is why it would really be normal that you should be acting out on whats appropriate.