Communism alone leads to dictatorship anyway...
How coul communism in a direct democracy lead to dictatorship? I really don't see how it's possible would you mind enlightening me here?
Not everyone is interested in politics to rule the country they live, and many of the citizens don't have enough knowledge to say how things must be done in several sectors (economy, security, health, education, etc...), so it's normal to have representants, that have a similar opinion to the voters, but that are better prepared to work for the country, on the front.
There are many people who just want to work daily, earn money and buy stuff to thrive in life, they don't care about politics, ideologies, they just want to live in a confortable society, with the highest quality as possible. And if the person doesn't care about political choices, he/she won't have any idea about it, so it's better he/she won't have any power... Otherwise it can be a disaster.
Three main ideas you have here:
-First, politicians are more capable that the averag Joe that's why it's good they make the decision. I think you're extremely wrong here, I don't know how it's done in your country but in mine one guy can be minister of education one day (without having even worked in this sector before) then minister of the environment another day (without having worked or studied in this sector before). Most of our politicians are DEEPLY incapable. Maybe your country managed to assure your leaders have some skills if show I'd love to hear how they're doing this!
-Second, that representants are somehow on the same line as their voters. Here again it's completely false in my country and an Harvard studies on American democracy showed how false it was in USA. Representants in USA vote laws at 70% on the line with the 1% most wealthy people in the country and 30% on the line with their voters. The representants represent mainly (if not only) the wealthy people, not the people who voted for them.
-Third, people need representants because they don't have time or knowledge or the will to take the matters in their own hands. Well I'd say that's a huge problem because a citizen who doesn't care about politics is not a citizen. I mean it in no offensive way, citizen means duties, the first of these duties being taking part of the city and the country life. If you don't want to care about politics no problem, but that means you're just an inhabitants of the country, not a citizen. So you shouldn't vote at all. Problem being that today, as people vote only every 3 to 5 years, people who don't care AT ALL about politics have as much weigth in political decisions as people actually caring.
The same is said about Democracy, all of us have an equal share of power, and actually that doesn't guarantee benefits. If there are 100 corruptible politicians it's because a big parcel of those 50 millions voted for them, so they are somehow in agreement with those practices.
In other words, if the biggest part of the population is corrupt, illiterate, alienated the whole country will suffer, because they are the majority. And the few guys who could raise the country will be smashed because the minority's opinion doesn't matter.
From this perspective, the Communist system you say is similar to the Democracy we have, with the difference there wouldn't be representants. So instead of electing corrupt politicians, the corrupt people would be acting directly, messing everything around...
You're completely right here! They are indeed responsible at least in part for the corrupt politicians. But why? Well again I don't know where you're from but in my country, it's not a democracy. We call it a democracy because we're used to calling it that way, but that's more an elective monarchy. You elect a king and then you can't do ANYTHING for 5 years as he has all the power and accounts to no one.
People are powerless. Hence they're no longer involved in political life. To give you an example, our previous president was elected by only 40% of the population, the 60% either didn't vote for him, or didn't vote at all. Why should they even vote? Whatever politicians say there is no way they'll be true to their words.
We have choice but without responsability. We have vote but we have no power. We're not complete hence we're not trying to become real citizens. We're just a small part of a big machine working without us...