I don't invest money easily in any asset because of fear of losing that money. i think of investing 80% of total savings.
do taking risk is important or not?
please quote all question and answer it's very helpful for me and others.
Just think of these.
No risk, no reward. Low risk, low reward. High risk, high reward.
That alone is enough for I guess. Now to answer your question if you are taking risk or not, yes you are taking risk. Risk of getting lost because of INFLATION. 80% of your money into savings? I mean governments are just printing money, and you are saving it? There are 3 reasons for you to save money. One is if you are saving for an emergency funds. Two is if you are saving because you want to buy something expensive like house, car etc. Third is you are saving because you want to invest into an asset class like Gold, Stocks, Crypto etc. If you are saving just for the sake of saving, you are doing it the wrong way, and you are letting yourself lose your money because of inflation.
You don't invest into an asset because of you afraid to lose money, but you don't know that you are losing money if you are saving as well? Not indirectly obviously, but the buying power of that money that you saved will go down as years go by. Taking risks are always part of our lives already, and so with investing. Just look at the successful businessmen now. Do you think that they will not become what they are today if they didn't take the risk, and tried to do something that they wanted to do.
Overall, I don't want to save 80% of my money into savings account, and I hope that you really aren't doing it because it's the worst thing to do right now. Invest it into assets. Take the risk if you really wanted to gain money, and not lose to inflation.