We can only hope..... Now lets see the D's do their part and end the Clintons.
I think that many of us, Left and Right, look at the political machines that ran this country for many years -- and reject them now.
As a hard-Right economic Conservative, I'm very suspicious of the Bush machine... and perversely enough, would find more of benefit to the country today in the Clinton machine -- except for the fact that it wouldn't be Bill leading it. Hillary is a doctrinaire, hyperliberal extremist, left over from the hippie-chick days... brimming with wild-eyed, socialist dogma, to be thrust on a Middle Class America reeling and punch-drunk from eight years of Führer Obama! With Hillary, it will be "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY".
But Bush? Well, maybe I've just grown too cynical. Having a deceitful, jive-ass clown like Obama in the Presidency for eight years has left me despairing and very distrustful. And although we on the Right should look at anyone else who isn't an America-hating Socialist as some kind of "brother", I just don't feel the love for the Bush's. Between "Daddy" Bush and his idiot son, "W", we've seen one economy-altering bailout and "rescue" after another, launched, and re-launched. We've seen the negligent financial sector "captains of industry" get off scott-free and make even larger piles of money after being saved from the consequences of financial train wrecks that they caused! This was all done by the Federal Reserve combine, but it was always initiated during Bush administrations! IMO, they were all in it together... "as thick as thieves".
Now we're hearing the Jebster starting to mouth some increasing familiar "Republican" themes, like cutting Social Security benefits to people who have EARNED them. We've heard similar things from "Crusader Rick" Santorum, and Governor Butter-tub Christie, who are solid, single-digit contenders....
Truth? I'll probably end up voting for this stupid, negligent, old socialist hippie-chick instead of any Republican if that's what it takes to avoid being robbed of benefits I have EARNED! And there are approximately 80,000,000 other Boomers out there who feel the same way -- and who VOTE..