JKC Coin, the newest altcoin which is Litecoin-based has arrived!
Codebase at
https://github.com/js2082/JKCI compiled Windows 32bit binary (tested with Windows 7 and 8 ), click on file->download:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4p3l1ebwJ39RVFxNTh0X1JmZEU/edit?usp=sharingFor all other systems, you need to compile from source code.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junk_%28ship%29The new feature of this coin is that it added random coin size per block (see below), so even late in the game, you may still hit a block of 1000 coins! Like real gold mining, you may hit different block grade:-)
Below are features:
- Total coins will be around 107 millions
- 1 minutes block target
- Difficulty retargets once per day
- To encorage early adoption the coins per block is high for the first 4 days:
- 1st day: 500 coins per block
- 2nd day: 200 coins per block
- 3rd/4th days: 100 coins per block
- Starting 5th day, it will be 50 coins per block. It will also be halved about every two years (every 1036800 blocks).
- Mining will be shut down after 12 years.
- In regular mining (after first 4 bonus days), there will be 1% chance a block will yield triple of the
normal coins (e.g. in the first 2 years there's 1% chance you get 150 coins per block).
- There is also 1/10,000 (0.01%) chance that a block will yield 1000 coins. This is valid for all 12 years
of the mining.
- The default ports are 9771 (connect) and 9772 (json rpc).
The first 100 blocks are special blocks of 10000 coins each. They are premined for bounty purpose. The 1 million coins premined will be reserved as bounties for pools, exchanges, wikis, support groups, giveaways, faucets, etc, etc. If there are sufficient interests, we can form a committee to manage the fund, in which case I will hand over the 1 million reserved bounty (minus those spent - see below) to the committee.
For now, I offer the following bounties:
JKC mining pool:
1st pool: 8000 JKC (p2pool by WOPR: bounty 8000JKC sent)
2nd pool: 5000 JKC (LeftToeCut: bounty 2000JKC paid, rest 3000JKC after 3 days)
3rd pool: 5000 JKC (niteryder: bounty 2000JKC paid, rest 3000JKC after 3 days)
1st exchange: 150,000 JKC
2nd exchange: 100,000 JKC
Other bounties will also be offered as needed for activities that significantly promote or enhance the awareness of the JKCs.
Blockchain browser at (thanks to emfox, bounty sent):http://block.al.tcoin.info/or directly from:
http://block.al.tcoin.info/chain/JKCCoinand webpages:http://al.tcoin.info/index.php?n=AltCoins.JKCCoinhttp://junkcoin.org/http://baike.baidu.com/view/10574252.htm (Chinese wiki)
Mining Pools:p2pool for JKC by WOPR. http://jkc.sytes.net:19327cgminer --scrypt -o jkc.sytes.net:19327 -u YOUR_JKC_ADDRESS -p x
http://jkc.sytes.net:19327/static/Pool by LeftToeCut:
JKC P2Pool , 1% fee, EU based.
http://trollbox.chickenkiller.com:19771Stats at
http://trollbox.chickenkiller.com:19771/static/ .
Stratum Pool by niteryder:http://jkc.allpoolz.com/Port: 8080
Stratum Only
1% Fee
JKC to LTC Exchange Google Spreadsheet:https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/jkc-ltc-exchange-google-spreadsheet-195835