josephvname hates science and is making stupid s@#$ up about something that he knows absolutely nothing about. Idiots like this need to be banned from this site.
-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.
Good to know you are alive. I was missing you 😍
I don't know what you are trying to do, but I will never fall in love with your breasts. I hate your breasts.
Good Lord! Now we have two "Joseph Van Names" on the forum?
I suspect one of you two is an imposter. Or maybe you are both? Or maybe one is from an alternate reality. Or a time traveler? Or a clone? Too many possibilities... hard to say for sure. Could it be just a glitch in the matrix?
One of these is a f@#$ing moron, and the other one isn't. But if you think it is too hard for you to tell the difference, then you may be a f@#$ing moron too. After all, nearly everyone here except for me is a f@#$ing moron.
Good to know you are alive. I was missing you 😍
You mean his gibberish sense of writing? Hasn't it been smeared around enough that even a grail reader would ignore his ass? What an irony, Lmao! I never knew Bitcoingirl has such a good sense of humor
Idiots like this need to be banned from this site.
Says a user with 3 red fine tags that says nothing really different about his adversary.
I don't really think it's a good idea to become an imposter, Mr name --
for whatever reasons that's happening, Do you really think anyone takes y'all seriously??
I already said that this site is full of f@#$ing morons. If those morons hate me, that means absolutely nothing about me. The people here are psychotic, stupid, and evil. And if you think that the people here (except for me) have anything legitimate to say, then you are psychotic, stupid, and evil too.
-Joseph Van Name Ph.D.