I would argue that the manager and staff are likely paid the same each week rather than having their wages depend on the ups and downs of the house profit for the week, so your example kind of supports the new system more than the old one.
I don't think it's reasonable to think that I need to expect to be able to legitimately earn as much as I could potentially steal to stop me from stealing it. Does a security guard expect to be paid the value of the thing he's guarding? There are other reasons preventing me from walking off with the bankroll, such as it being wrong. I want to be able to feel good about myself, and stealing from a bunch of people who trusted me wouldn't let me do that.
I was just pointing out that some investors still aren't paying commission, and so wouldn't be happy if we just forgot that they have overpaid commission in the past and started charging them per bet now.
That chart starts part-way through the site's history. He started collecting data at some point in time, and that's where the charts start.
No, you're wrong here. The 1% and 0.25% that people are talking about is site profit expressed as a percentage of the total amount wagered, and we can totally do expect it to be 1%. That is the expected profit. The size of the bankroll is irrelevant to that calculation. That it isn't 1% is entirely due to nakowa getting lucky with huge amounts of very big bets.
I'm not melancholic. Well, no more than usual. I'm just looking at a possible way of making things more fair to investors going forward.
If I had been taking 0.1% of every bet as commission from the start, instead of 10% of profit, I would have taken 4931 BTC in commission, since there have been 4931k BTC wagered. So I would have made 4 times more commission that way than I have made by taking 10% of profits. That's exactly because we've only made 0.25% profit on turnover instead of the 1% that we "should" have. You weren't around when nakowa was playing, but he really hit the site hard. See mid July and the end of September in this profit chart: https://i.imgur.com/0Ikj2PC.png - those are the two times when the red 'expected' line pulled away from the black 'actual' line. The difference between those two lines represents the difference between how much I would have earned using the two different commission systems.
Of course, before launch there was no way of knowing which line would be higher. It's quite possible that actual profits are way above the expected profits, in which case taking 10% of profits pays better than taking 0.1% of turnover. That could be the case going forward - we can't know how the site will perform in the coming months, so we can't say which system would pay me the most.
Yes, exactly that. I already credit/debit each investor after each bet according to how much they won or lost, so it's no extra work to take off the extra 0.1% at that point too. What actually happens is I know what percentage of the bankroll each investor has, and just update the bankroll after each bet. So all I'd have to do is update the bankroll to take the extra 0.1% commission charge into account as well as accounting for the new profit/loss. In this way each investor could see exactly how much they have invested at any point in time. With the current system they can't be sure how much they owe me in commission without doing some math.
There are some investors with negative investment profit who are no longer invested. If they ever come back, the calculations need to still be running for them.