Thank you for your most valuable input.
I see way too many posts from people (especially bit-x people) that don't read any of the posts in the thread and post something indirectly related to OP's post to seem like they are engaging. Normally, they never return to topic.
I'm not saying disable signatures but more liberal use of bans wouldn't be bad idea either. That might discourage this type of "thread fluffing" spam.
Yes, the spam is annoying, but when you look at the bigger picture, signatures campaigns truly are good for the community. Now, call me biased because I personally am enrolled in a signature campaign, but the fact that there are programs out there that allow anyone to earn an honest amount of BTC just for participating in community discussion is great. Sure, it may lead to a bit of spam, but it's much easier to ignore the spam then ban the concept that is, in my opinion, one of the greatest goods in the community.
lol you took something you could say in one line and turned it into a paragraph by repeating yourself. *clap* enjoy your .001.
The reality is that signatures don't promote discussion. If you really want to talk about BTC, getting paid to talk about it won't make your comments more interesting or more pertinent to the discussion.
It's awesome to get money for sitting on your computer and posting on a forum but don't bullshit and say it enhances the community or is "one of the greatest goods in the community" Come on
"Now, call me biased because I personally am enrolled in a signature campaign, but the fact that there are programs out there that allow anyone to earn an honest amount of BTC just for participating in community discussion is great."
Signature programs allow anyone enthusiastic about Bitcoin to get on without investing any money. Of course, there are other ways to earn considerable amounts of Bitcoin, most notably by providing special skills or services. However, for people who don't offer anything marketable to the community, signature campaigns are the next best option for getting involved. More than anything, that's why I feel they should be allowed and why I feel it is a positive feature of the community.