Hello. first of all, we would like to remind you that we do not participate in Initial Coin Offering in the conventional sense. We are providing a Token Sale, which uses crypto technology, but should not be confused with an ICO. The Token Sale was not established to generate funds from investors. Our mission is to provide a new way for our players to gain in-game currency.
Second of all, below is our provisional KamaGames Token (KGT) distribution plan:
- Closed presale: 2,000,000 (2M) KGT
- Open presale: 5,000,000 (5M) KGT
- Initial sale: 18,000,000 (18M) KGT
How many tokens do you have? why token to sale? How many players have kamagames played? Is it 100 million people? What does this game have to do to attract the participants? I think this project needs to be accessible to more people, because only the new project can increase the number of people involved in the project. With the number of people I know this game, I think not enough to reach a turnover of 57 million