I was asleep for that one
Good to know im not the only one who find a block here on kano with S9v1
looks like all those "bad" miners still able to find blocks
There's no doubt they find blocks, they've found 95 so far.
The issue is the total number S9v1 has found is well below what it should have - CDF[Erl] = 0.991261 with that last one.
(They're expected to have found almost 25 more)
Yes but most jumped ship during the red months. That's how leaving a pool during slow times can damn near ruin it. Had all those machines stayed they could have hit those blocks. it's almost as bad as a block withholding attack. I know it's no guarantee and hell what's everyone gonna think when we hit the 1:10000 year block. 20000% or more. Yes that's possible. Rare but will happen eventually as long as Bitcoin survives.
if the s9 v1 is .992 cdf and has made 95 blocks vs 120 blocks I sure as hell don't want it here.
when you talk .992 for a block fine when you talk .992 for a long time period it simply should not mine here.
The only argument is what is a fair time period or sample size. Right now according to kano they are short 25 blocks.and if you look at the lifetime of the pool we are not 100% we are higher so they are not 25 blocks short more like 27 or maybe 26 or 28. I am lazy and do not want to do the math.
Your argument holds water if other miners left with the s9s.
But if the s9s version 1 truly suck and they come back with ver 1 firmware they will lower the luck.
I keep mine at f2pool and I mine my avalon721's here
BTW at Kano what is the luck for avalon 721?