1. Yes, you can if you go to here:
https://kano.is/index.php?k=workers. I think if you use ZACHM's monitor site you can see more. I don't use it since I have just 1 worker so maybe check here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/kanopool-monitor-hashrates-workers-rewards-and-notifications-for-kanpool-13318752, 3. Changing miner config is easy. Just change the stratum address to stratum.kano.is:3333 and put the username as: yourusename.workername. So for example san2salim.S71, san2salim.S72, etc... for password you can just put 'x' You can mine to a bitcoin address, but if you want worker information you need to have a username.
4. kani.is uses ckpool
5. If you look historically, yes it is much more profitable. BUT no one can tell the future. One thing that is for sure is that kano and ck are a good thing for bitcoin, and bitmain/f2pool/etc... are not. There are a bunch of posts about why (even just a few pages back).
6. Yes I am very much in profit, and honestly I wouldn't be at any other pool. The big thing to notice is that we use the 5nd system. Again this is talked about a lot and maybe someone can link the posts if they have time.
You are mining at antpool - that's your first, biggest mistake ...
1. Use one of the apps/or ZACH's web site
2. It's on the web page ...
https://kano.is/3. It's only PPLNS - no settings
4. CKPool is software - kano.is is a pool - solo.ckpool.org is a pool.
CKPool is the best pool software in performance.
Our pool implementations are also the BEST for bitcoin.
We average the biggest blocks of all pools and the fastest block changes without SPV mining.
We don't SPV mine, since we expect Bitcoin will last a long time, we don't do shit that assumes Bitcoin wont be here tomorrow.
5. So far yes
6. That's to do with your hardware and electricity.
High J/W hardware and expensive electricity will help you lose a lot more
The pool counts in % reward vs other pools ... which has so far averaged higher here for a long time.
thank you for the advice, i will point all miners to kano.is very soon
i also believe f2pool and antpool are the same bitmaintech and dont gave us chance to profit.. a scam in big way
dear kano, except of looking for worker offline status,
if someday you made improvement to the web, antpool web is really usefull for miner management
(so the field worker could identify few miner offline within username, field worker often stupid in tech)
have 1account +FEW username, each username pointing different wallet
meanwhile gonna need to find easy solution and train fieldworker to handle kano.is dashboard
is there tutorial for ZACH's web site?? where is the web? i can only fpund for nastyp2p pool
Best way to is play around. The site is here:
and honestly there is a lot you can do with it. I'm sure ZACHM will continue to improve on it if he gets donations.