I feel somewhat traumatized since I started to mine here and already suffered through two blocks of about 250%, that said, Isn't it a good timesaving idea to write out the duration for every finished block on the Pool/Blocks page ?
I know I can calculate it myself, but with all this trauma after those devilblocks it´s not that easy.
... has a very good "recent blocks" page :
Startingtime just as kano but also the Duration which I think is good.
Their "recent blocks" page is terrible IMO.
It hides all the information about stale/orphan/rejected blocks that are very important to know about with any pool.
It has no useful statistical analysis of the pool's performance.
If you look on there you'll see only luck%, no diff% ... and in the past week there's 35.9%, 32.4%, 23.4%, 34.3% luck%
Do those numbers matter? No idea, you'd have to convert them to useful data and then maybe do something useful like a CDF[Erl] on them.
Firstly, looking at those numbers you
should actually wonder is everything ok there? ...
what they mean in Diff% is: 278%, 308%, 427%, 291% ...
Their CDF[Erl] for the last 25 blocks is 0.878721941 ... pretty high ...
I wonder what that is for larger block counts ... they don't want you know ...
Anyway, back to the kano.is page
The time length of a single block is not really relevant since it is directly dependent upon the pool's hash rate.
Go way down the bottom to the first blocks and that will show a good example.
Block #2 took over 12 days, but everyone who mined that full block and got paid by that block got a bit over 12 days worth of pay, it's easy to see that coz the Diff% is less than 100% i.e. it took less shares than expected.
Block #3 took 1 day 17hrs, but that one was even better since the number that matters, Diff%, was only 42% and that means that eveyone mining for that 1 day 17hrs got paid more than double since less than half the work needed was sent.
The Diff% is actually the number that is used in all valid statistical calculations for blocks for all pools.
The CDF[Erl] is actually the most relevant number there on the page.
So, since the blocks page is short on space, there's really not a lot of space to throw in yet another field.
I'll add it onto my "galaxy far far away" todo list