Who has confirmed our block solves first and how many times.
Bitfury comes to mind
Yes, I know! "USELESS INFO" Damn you coffee!!!!
I think we've only confirmed our own payout txn once or twice since it's usually quick to be confirmed
(I'm surprised at how regularly it seems it's confirmed in less than 10 minutes)
Edit: I always prioritise it so it is (first) in the block we are building so we will confirm it if our next block arrives after the payout before it was confirmed
I am sure this has been answered before so if it has I am sorry for asking it again but how does the percentage work?
In my workers tab it shows I have a block percentage of 0.296% currently and the block we just mined was just over 0.35. Is this the percentage used in payout? Because the last block shows a reward of 0.18%.
Not saying anything is wrong just trying to learn how the percentages are made.