I've got about 260th/s pointed here and I've been mining here for 2 years. When I joined the 5nd was like 36 hours and made way more sense than it does now. I would agree that 5nd could be shortened to 3nd or even a 1nd with our current hashrate. I think it would attract lot more new miners. Every time I have brought this up in the past it was shot down. Kano was against changing because it increases the variance and would be to the detriment of those who already reached the 5nd.
... and what was the "ramp" then?
If you check history on your "Rewards", you can see what it was.
"N Range"
However, in 2017 April to October the ramp was mostly ... around 3 days or less.
The problem with us getting so small
in the past year, is the "ramp" has gotten out of control - almost 200 days.
It seems often I hear the obvious that people don't want to join a pool where their reward will be paid out slowly over the next 100-200 days.
Setting it to 3 Days solves that problem permanently.
Anyway, for anyone else who's unhappy about it ... ... ... coz they left the pool ... ... ... point your miners here and in 3 days you'll be back where you were before.
Edit: I told everyone in Discord about it on 1-Jan-2020 ... and a lively discussion ensued
There has been a lot of discourse on it since then.
And ...
REMINDER that everyone who finds a block (for the next 18 before the halving) gets a bonus 0.1 BTC