... something flashy to look at. Coz we gotta grow as a pool or the variance is only gonna get worse. Surely there have to be some web page designers among us that would be willing to pitch in.
Yeah there's a few requirements in that though that most web designers don't understand
(and most pools don't understand either)
I'll list them here so if anyone else is interested in doing anything, they'll know the requirements.
1) Requests (as few as possible)
When you access a page on our web site, it returns one blob of text, and the only other request your browser makes is to get the tiny images in the top left (usually just the eye)
Though, the index page (that's not much use except the first time you visit the site) includes the background image.
Most web sites break everything up into multiple files that the browser caches, but the browser has to check each one with multiple requests across the internet.
2) Page size
If you've looked as the actual page size for most pages on our web site, they are quite small, even with everything required included in the one file.
The Blocks page is only 51K in total.
3) Security
Most web sites cross link scripts to other web sites and other sources.
Visit any good bank and you'll find they don't do that ... for a reason.
It only takes a DNS hack or even a web site hack, where any of the other content comes from, and then someone can EASILY hack into you.
4) 'Flashy'
Well, if it involves anything like flash or other scripting languages to produce animated images, then that's completely out.
The bottom line is that the site contains more than the necessary information, it's fast to load, and it's secure.
... and a bit of information about the current web server - it's Load Average is usually around 0.00 to 0.01 - and it handles about 150-200K requests a day at the moment.