My idea is that instead of waiting for the price to rise to sell coins, wait for the price to rise to buy something with coins. Go to coingig, or bitcoinstore, and find an item that you want, and tell yourself "When Bitcoin hits 120$ (or any price), I'm going to buy this item instead of selling to an exchange.".
I think that this would help keep the price stable, as well as distribute the coins more, instead of keeping them all locked up in an exchange.
EDIT:: My knowledge of economics is minimal, so I could be way off.
If you go to a store and use your bitcoins to buy something, the guy who just got them will dump them in the market, so the overall effect on the price is very small.
Just to be clear, there is a very small effect, since there is that 1 hour wait for confirmations before the other guy can dump them on the market, but like I said it is a very small effect.
Right, so then instead of waiting 1 hour there is no waiting, so it makes even less impact on the price. Thanks for accentuating my point for me.