So here was a very intriguing encounter that I had, about 3 or 4 months ago. I was in the sauna in LA fitness and it was just me and one other guy in there. All of the sudden he started talking to me, had some very positive things to say about my "energy" he said he liked my energy and that he could tell that I had some big things in store in my future. Very intrigued I questioned him on this and asked him what he did for a living. He told me " Its my job to usher in the next payment system into the world". After talking to him more and more about it, it turned out that this guy was traveling country to country making huge deals in BTC with high ranking government officials. He kept saying that its his job to keep BTC in "Sovereign hands" I found this all very interesting.
He elaborated some more saying that the CIA was the group that really created BTC. He went on to speak about the white hats and the black hats in the CIA, aka the good guys and the bad guys, and that basically the whole agency was at war with itself. Crazy wild stuff here. Just an average day out at the gym for me, lmao. Anyhow, I finally got a chance to write it down and talk about it. I could go way more in depth but I don't want to sound crazy here, a lot of what was mentioned truly had me a little taken back. Like what if what he was saying was true, he said that the best way to play the field is to play both sides of the coin, to ensure your success, because then at that point no matter what you would do you would win. I don't know if anything what he said was true that night, but i'll tell you one thing, it sure was entertaining.
Has anyone else had any strange encounters like this?
It seems to me that you have a very vivid imagination and that you are selling us stories for small children - because your story is nothing but a poorly conceived fantasy.
Given that you have already had strange topics involving drugs, lost friends and multi-million dollar deals, I would say that this story is constructed on old conspiracy theories that some three-letter agency invented Bitcoin - and now some strange people are walking around fitness centers and reveal top secrets to complete strangers - don't make fun of us, we're not all that naive.
Hey man, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I assure you that this conversation happened. Think whatever you want to think, I don't have time to convince you. This is my life, and the things that transpire in it I have little control over. Particularly with the people that I meet, I never expected to have this conversation. And to shed more light on this we were only in the sauna for 10 minutes because the LA was closing and we continued the conversation out front after 10pm when it closed. The only thing that I can say, is that if this man was a con man he was pretty good one. He had photo evidence of himself with the queen of england, putin, the golden dragon, and so much more. He was showing me crazy pictures of himself in rooms full of gold, and boxes filled with trillions of dollars worth of goverment bonds. I can't make this shit up lol. He did mention he was a truste for all the royal families. All wild stuff, and why the heck would he be telling some random stranger he met in the sauna all this? Beats me man. He did mention he has nobody to talk about any of this, and he felt good about my energy so maybe thats why? lol idk man. But I appreciate your concern here Lucius, i'm trying to live in the real world here and go about my business. Every day the real world gets crazier and crazier!