24 and why does that matter?
Edit: Fyi, I'm pretty sure I said education is a scam, not just secondary schools
Just curious. Why is it a scam, and do you honestly consider yourself better off not pursuing any sort of education?
I'm taking private tuition, not only is it cheaper but I'm also getting a much better education out of it, how the hell else do you think I learned to set gemstones? Youtube tutorials? lol
Basically as I learned from one horrid experience after another teachers make all sorts of wild claims about what you can achieve and what kind of jobs you can get within education and then of course you discover once you're done all the things they taught you were completely useless in the real world unless it was some kind of very specialised degree you were taking, doctor or lawyer would work obviously, but that takes grades most people don't have.
If that isn't enough evidence to stack up on my side of the argument, a lot of my friends are coming back home now and don't know what to do with themselves because everything I've predicted has come true, the university loan system is also ready to collapse in my country, so yes, considering I'm learning how to produce stuff and sell it, I am better off, hell, even if I don't get going very much I suppose I could always get a job doing welding or start building stuff from that open source ecology website with what I've learned if worse comes to worse
I'd just have to get used to the idea of measuring in centimetres and metres rather than millimetres.
In short though, the best decision I ever made was deliberately going out of my way to find teachers who wouldn't bullshit me and so far, it's paying off a lot, you aren't going to find them in schools and universities that rely on their students being ignorant.
Oh and if this isn't enough, John Oliver agrees with me -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8pjd1QEA0c I used to have a Pentium 166MMX, and buy a new computer every 2 years. Back then everything was developing so fast that you couldn't play new games on an older system and the components were much more expensive. Now you can have the same computer for 5 years and still be able to play, so I don't think they are spoiled now.
Yeah, it's actually true that and I was only messing around with the spoiled thing
I remember roughly how much we paid for my computer 5 years ago and it's worked out about the same here too so I've gotten a hell of a lot out of it, point is, don't be stupid and immediately just buy the next new graphics card assuming it will make a massive difference, because it won't.