Hey Guys. Im trying to do some testing with ktest but don't seem to get any desirable results. At one point, I got the "W" command to work, but it resulted in a BAD response , which I would think should be accepted, if Im reading the code right using Below Var:
Work = ["4375c3b7a27cc936f295a6140358e965319322e7cfd11e137df42ea60864a675", "218d522051d547d51a00c94e", "b2cc9f74", "accept"]
Now, I run W command (aftere restarting ktest) and I get no response at all!
Trying to find out if theres a proper method to using ktest or if there could be something wrong with the K16.
I added a small debug output in sendcmd under the dev.write line:
dev.write(0x01, cmd + chr(addr) + data, 0, 500)
print "tried %s %s %s" % (cmd,addr,data)
python ktest
Klondike device opened
tried I 0
Version:10, ProductID:K16, Serial#:deadbeef
Cmds [WAISCE.Q]:
State:R, ASICs:16, Slaves:0
WorkQ:0, WorkID:04, Temp:158, Fan:0, ErrCount:0, HashCount:2048, MaxCount:2048tried S 0
Cmds [WAISCE.Q]:
tried W 0 Cu÷?|?6?X?e1?"???}?.d?u!?R Q?G??N
State:W, ASICs:16, Slaves:0
WorkQ:0, WorkID:01, Temp:158, Fan:0, ErrCount:0, HashCount:0, MaxCount:2048
Cmds [WAISCE.Q]:
Is there something I am missing here, or something else I should be checking out?