If you want the number of HW errors like you are counting, it is simply the device HW - NMW
Avalon device HW is bad nonces + NMW
No need to change anything.
What/where is NMW?
That's an Avalon added stat
(No Matching Work)
If your version of the code isn't adding HW but just calling submit_nonce() with each one, then the HW counter will just be the number of submitted that were no good (and Diff1 Work will be the number submitted - that includes HW)
Ok. I see. I only get NMW when it's hashing before any work is sent so I no longer have it send nonces when it's not in W (working) state. So when a flush occurs it changes to R (ready) state until new work is pushed. I was getting them at start up sometimes when an old workid matched in the queue it would trigger as a HW error, so better to not even receive useless nonces.
For klondike it doesn't send midstate back, only workid and each device in a chain has it's own sequence. I store (dev*256 + workid &0xFF) in the work->subid when sent and find it when a nonce comes back. I remove completed work when sending new work.
Just started running with 4 chips. 17 WU/m, 1200 GH/s.
Are the 4 chips all on the same side or is it 2 and 2.
Right now just on one side, U5,6,7,8 at 300MHz. I have to relocate my NOR gate hack board before I can put chips on the other bank. U8 seems to run a bit hotter than the others at 52C. Others <50C. With steamboats black heat sink and a fan the heat sink runs 37C (on that corner, barely warm to touch) in 32 ambient.