So your clocking data into the shift resistor on the falling edge of the output of the NOR gate.
Do you know what the setup time is on the data input.
Also is the result data 400ns/bit time fixed or is it dependent on the clock frequency?
Great progress.
Thanks for the update.
Setup time (or what they call Hold before CLK in Sync. USART Receive Mode) is 10nS.
I don't know if the data rate changes with clock yet but I suspect I'll find out once I get a heat sink mounted and push up the speed. I haven't mounted one yet because I'll just have to take it off to solder on another chip or two.
Yes. Would love to see a picture of a scope trace
capturing the real wave form.
I tried to capture the wave to put up here but for some reason it didn't save on the USB flash stick in the scope. I got a zero-byte file instead and didn't feel like messing around figuring out why before leaving. I'll be trying again, probably more than a few times.
Now that I have nonces coming back I want to do a bit of work on the driver and see if I can get it going full circle. That would get all the basics in place and then the work would be refining them to achieve full speed, full board results.
As usual I got lots of nifty new stuff in Bkk. Vacuum pump PnP hand tool. Heat sinks and thermal compound samples, Kaplon heat tape (for when adding more ASICs), more ASIC samples, TP-WR703n, smd pin headers, linear bearings etc. But mostly right now I just need to lay down some new code and solder more chips on.
I'm getting so many requests for support now that I'm sorry if I haven't responded yet - just too much; people even asking for jobs (as if I can even pay myself a salary) - will respond when I have time unless I just don't have an answer. I'd ask people not to send items to me without clearing it first with me as my mail receiver has complained and I don't want them to cut me off. I may have to set up another mailbox and that won't be right away.