Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis are not inherently better than each other. Fundamental Analysis allows you to assess the potential direction of a coin's price, whether it's bearish or bullish. For instance, you can observe how Bitcoin's price has responded to positive news, which you can find on exchanges news insights, as well as popular news apps. Technical Analysis comes into play to further analyze price movements. Is just as easy as that.
Fundamental tells you what to do, while Technical tells you when to do it
However, technical analysis teaches you when is the best entry and exit in the market. You could have good fundamental analysis yet you fail in executing it while timing the market, your investment will obviously never work still. So have these both fundamentals and technicalities work in unison. Otherwise, you will only waste your time and money and fail on your investment.
However since fundamental analysis is not as popular as TA and it does not produce interesting charts to watch, newbies decide to ignore it, even if it is definitely on their best interest to learn more about fundamental analysis.
and this is why it would really be always that best when it comes to trading then you should really know to make use in both technical and fundamentals on which it is really that the best approach
for you to have a good chance on sustaining into this market. Take note that in every news then it would neither be giving out some effect or not.
We do know that not all the time this market could have some news and this is the time that you would make use of technicals or something talks about interchangeable or something
that very a common approach to do so. We cant really be able to survive this market if we cant really be able to handle ourselves on different conditions
which it might be able to make. This is why it would be relevant that we should be knowing on how to make use of both.