Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis are not inherently better than each other. Fundamental Analysis allows you to assess the potential direction of a coin's price, whether it's bearish or bullish. For instance, you can observe how Bitcoin's price has responded to positive news, which you can find on exchanges news insights, as well as popular news apps. Technical Analysis comes into play to further analyze price movements. Is just as easy as that.
As much as I respect the opinion of everyone, for me, the technical analysis is better. I've been using both fundamentals and technical analyses since I started trading many years back and I've come across software and companies propagating their gospels about the two. The issue is that more lies/confusions go for the interpretation of the fundamental analysis and some news would always disappoint the expectation of people no matter how exect they are. There are also many news that would be interpreted in a way but the market will move in the opposite, this is not because the interpretation is wrong but the sentiment of the market doesn't just care, which is why news could be so frustrating regardless of how good you are at it.
But if you are good with the chart reading, I must tell you that you would be so unstoppable in trading and will be earning consistently with less frustration and market disappontment. Also, there is nothing that would happen through the news that the effect would not be felt on the chart, and hence technical analysis traders could interpret and trade it. Meaning, nothing is truly hidden from the technical analysis.
Fundamental tells you what to do, while Technical tells you when to do it
I simply do not understand your grammar, it's so wrong of the two. How could one tell you something and the other tell you to do it? Are you saying the two must be used together? This is all wrong as the two are independent of each other and you can use them independently as well. For fundamental analysis, read/hear the news, digest/interpret it and act on your trading platform whether to buy or sell.
As for technical analysis, you solely read your chart and you act accordingly (buy/sell).