I am offering a safe escrow service. That means I can act as a 3rd party in transactions to make any deal on this forum easier.
All funds will be stored on a Trezor wallet. The recovery seed (words) have been encrypted and stored in a safe and fireproof place.
Please carefully read the terms, and follow the instructions in the "How it works" section if you agree and want to proceed further.
I can also act as a mediator or go between for people wishing to remain anonymous when purchasing items.
In other words I can buy on their behalf, have shipped to me
and reship to their address of choice. Your addresses will never be stored. Once shipped they will be deleted from my system.
Terms :The fee for my service is 1% of the escrowed amount or 0.002BTC, whatever is higher.
This is not a banking service. If the trade duration exceeds 30 days, I will take 1% of the escrowed amount every 15 days, effective after the initial 30 days period.
The seller will receive the full amount sent by buyer. Outgoing transactions fees are included within the service price.
The amount will be released from the escrow upon buyer's confirmation ONLY, or in any other case fitting an agreement that has been planned prior to the transaction.
I reserve the right to deny any escrow request I dislike, without justification. I do not escrow accounts or digital goods. Please do not contact me for these as these requests will be automatically denied.
I will only escrow Bitcoin
How it works :
Please reply to this thread or contact me via PM with the following :
Buyer's bitcointalk profile:
Buyer's refund address:
Seller's bitcointalk profile:
Seller's address to send coins:
Amount to escrow in BTC:
Explain the trade in a few words:
Include the third party forum member in the PM so we are all on the same message. He/She would need to confirm this too!_______________________________________________________________________________
Once your request has been properly submitted and accepted, I will contact the other party to confirm the transaction.
Both parties have to confirm the transaction before I ask buyer to send the payments to an escrow Bitcoin address
When the transactions is confirmed, I will inform seller that I have received the payment from buyer, so he can deliver.
When the buyer has received what he bought, then I will release the payment to seller.
In case of a dispute, I will ask both parties to provide elements backing their claims. I may turn towards the community to help me decide what to do.
Due to numerous attempted scams...I will not refund an Escrow to a Bitcoin address that is not the sending address, so please place that as the buyers Bitcoin refund address _______________________________________________________________________________
How to contact me :Feel free to contact me, I am more than happy to reply to your questions.
Simply reply to this thread, or send me a PM.