1.) Why haven't you been able to tell us anything?
2.) What law restricted you from telling us?
3.) Why has it taken so long for your lawyer to give you any information if this issue has been known about for 4+ months?
4.) What happen to the ASIC Project? How much was spent, and from what pot of money?
5.) Will you be firing your lawyer once this legal issue is resolved? If not, why?
6.) Which ASIC manufacturers have you spoken to/signed deals with and are moving forward with? What are your plans for future hardware purchases?
7.) What have you been doing with the new hardware you've had for months? When can we expect to receive those dividends?
8.) What's going to happen with the old/new bonds (or shares, or contracts, or whatever they are called now?)
9.) How much work have you put into the trading platform which was your number one priority? How far are you done, and when can we expect it to be finished?
10.)Can you please provide a full list of bitcoin mining address'
11.)What percentage of the 25% is allotted as a management fee? Since it's all the same for LR's pocket, can we replace the management fee with an issuance of "bonds" to LR that equate to the avg fee% instead - say 5-7% of total bonds - this would provide transparency of your FIXED % fee's and give you an increased incentive to produce
12.) Can you please provide photographic evidence of all equipment currently in service for LRM bondholders.
13.) Why has the contract not been provided in a timely manner?
This and,
14. Is there an agreement in place or under negotiation with a State or Federal authority which defines the financial instrument that was originally issued by LRM? If so, what is the legal basis of the financial instrument issued? And, kindly disclose the agreement or a point form summary of the negotiations if an agreement has not been reached
15. Will you voluntarily disclose the financials of LRM and the related companies you have incorporated if there have been any disbursements from LRM to said companies?
16. Would you be prepared to have a private conference call(s) with a group of larger bondholders? Identities would be verified via signed BTC message or RL details if available
Also, as a general note, this place is a shit show for this kind of conversation. LRM requires some method which permits disclosure of confidential information to bond holders. kryptokit provides for secure messaging via bitcoin address - there may be others that provide for this function via a defined group - not sure. In any case, I suggest all communications regarding LRM and its confidential business dealings be removed from this forum and set up somewhere else where the participants are vetted bondholders.