What does this mean:
GPU authorized: yes
Benchmark info not found - benchmarking... done.
Your speed is roughly 3245154 keys/s per CPU core.
Ask for work... got blocks [5393996735-5394007934] (11744 Mkeys)
oooooooooo0 just got out of the pool with exit code: 255 and data:
3 just got out of the pool with exit code: 255 and data:
Any other errors on screen? Most of the time this means the OpenCL failed to start
* no GPU found (probably not your case)
* worksize too big (not your case if you are not on Amazon)
* no memory left on GPU
In your case, it looks like
OCL error: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed.)
edit: you sure you have up-to-date client/generators? I see you were last active 24 days ago, minimum client version is now 1.140, hopefully you have also a kardashev-generator too.