Project Characteristics and Mode of OperationIn order to spare myself lengthy explanations in future about why the project is doing this or that and why this or that has been decided as it has been decided, this text shall serve as a reference I may (and probably will) point to, when the state "end of discussion" is reached.
This project started - and still is - a spare time project. It's main purpose is to have fun, to learn something and to have distraction from the other ... usual ... daily ... duties.
It's not for profit, it's not for any shady operation, it's for fun. This is 100% true for myself. Everybody is welcome to join under the same ideals. If you have other ideals: FUCK OFF
I want people who participate in the project to have fun also, but if you having fun would mean me having less fun: FUCK OFF
I will not let anybody take that fun away.
You may have heard from various developers (like M. Hearn and others), who plunked their efforts because they were pissed off by their environment.
Well - a week ago, I had a similar moment, but then I thought it should not be me who gets pissed off. When it comes to my leisure time projects, it's actually everybody else who disagrees with the course of action who may piss off. I can be a benevolent dictator in this project (like L. Torvalds is in Linux), but when I choose so I am Pinochet or Mugabe in this project. If anybody has a problem with this mode of operation: FUCK OFF
Now that this is - I hope unambiguously - out of the way, a clear example of such a personal incompatibility is needed:
The Anatomy of a Shitstorm: Genesis
A little over a week ago, 2017-04-16, I have been contacted by a boy named "Mark Boldyrev". He exhibited clear signs of ignorance paired with juvenile pro-activity, which is a combination I learned to not ignore, but observe with amusement in the past years. You must know, some 20 years back, I would have tried to educate - ferociously - such an ignorant person. But with the years I learned to ration my energy in these matters. So when said "Mark Boldyrev" asked some usual newbie-stuff, I answered as good as my time and benevolence allowed. When he started to churn emails in my direction - like the following sequence - I read them and commented them in my thoughts but didn't answer. In the hope the boy may learn during his course of action:
On 2017-04-16 09:36, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
Could you publish all the keys found on the website for the curious?
rico> The 1st 24:
rico> some more:
rico> and #38 and beyond (up to #51 now):
On 2017-04-16 10:39, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
Thanks. Could you format them as a comma-separated string, please?
That'd make importing them into my program easier.
rico> A guy named Jude Austin (
rico> has done that and has a spreadsheet with some statistical analysis. Ask him.--------
As you can see, here I still answered as good as I could - although I did already have a picture of a little ignorant spoiled brat in my head who is used that everybody immediately starts wiping his ass as soon as he whistles. Naturally - as is the usual case with these time vampires - next day he continued and from that moment on I chose to observe and let him fry in his own sauce for a while:
On 2017-04-17 11:17, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
Oh, also, I tried to join LBC, installed the client, but it dies with and error:
Will use 2 CPUs. [~10 sec delay]
Ask for work... Server doesn't like us. Answer: wrong secret.
What should I do? How do I start it (it did the above without any arguments)?"Yeah, well boy, how about reading a little bit the docs?", I thought
On 2017-04-17 11:33, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
I tried to modify the LBC file and now the server is returning random errors. WTF does that even mean?!"Whoa there - so you modified the source. You didn't read the manual and you ran into my random error jokery. I love it!", I thought
On 2017-04-17 11:36, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
... did you plant a backdoor in my system? why is the LBC file so volatile? does it check its checksum and report that to server or something? I am really worried about that one...
"3 minutes? The heat is on. Poor bastard.", I thought
On 2017-04-17 15:05, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
You didn't respond to my emails, so I posted the warning on Reddit.
And there we go, a backdoor!
You can't deny that, but you still can fix it if you want to regain trust.
This message is not meant to threaten nor harass you.
It is necessary to point out that this was Easter Monday, where a usual family man has, well, family things to attend to, whereas adolescent boys can use this time to verbally masturbate on Reddit.
On 2017-04-17 15:06, Mark Boldyrev wrote:
Yeah - and from then on it's history.
Now I do believe this boy named "Mark Boldyrev" is "SopaXT". If I am wrong about this, I'm really sorry - but the overall picture is consistent when one looks at the SopaXT PMs:
The problem is that your client is vulnerable by design, with you being the major flaw.
Even if oyu are transparent about the self-removal capability, you still have the ability to run arbitrary code.
Today you delete the clients of users who tampered with them, tomorrow you steal somebody's wallet.It's already a malicious program that lets you do virtually anything with any computer the program is running on.
It's not yet used for evil, but when it will be, no-one would notice.You are not competent. Your software has horrible loopholes and it's running on over 200 computers. These loopholes are exploitable by you and there's no reason to trust you. Your pool doesn't have a proper security model and instead relies on the fact that it's supposed to be hard to tamper with the client. I am willing to retract my accusations if you prove that you have removed the backdoor.etc. etc. yadda yadda
I will bore you no further. I just wanted to show you a premier example of a 100% incompatible person with me, thus with the project. So far. I urged "SopaXT" to keep the mails, print them out and laminate them to look at them in 20 years from now. At a time, when he hopefully has gained more experience, more wisdom and has better control of his testosterone. (I didn't say that - but it goes without saying)
So when all of this is out of the way and my opinion on this is "SopaXT - why are you still here? Just delete the software, or fuck off, or go for heaven's sake on a crusade and recommend everyone to not use the software (you have my blessings)." I actually will answer his Idea of client validation (exceptionally full quote):
Here's an idea for a proof of work that would lower the speed a little bit, but can be checked without executing arbitrary code on the user's machine.
For every n-th private key in the search space, calculate its public key (which is already done in the search process), and XOR a variable with that. => the variable is a xor sum of every n-th public key.
When submitting the work finished message, include the calculated value, too.
To actually prove the work, another trusted client is issued the same task. If the values match, the client is trusted for an interval of time and allowed to submit work.
The next challenge will be randomly issued to the client, and should the client fail it, all the previous work submitted without the challenge shall be recalculated by the pool.
I woke up recently, so my mind is not in its best state. Please point out any silly mistakes I've made, thanks.
There are so many things wrong with this, one does not even know where to start. Let's start on the conceptual level:
"another trusted client" is the key phrase here. There is no such thing as no client can be trusted. This alone lets your suggestion fold like a house of cards. But let's for a moment assume, we could somehow get to that "trusted client".
Collusive Clients Attack: Let's say, we would perform these challenges n-redundantly on a group of clients and all of these would agree and confirm each other for the challenge sent. Would that mean we could trust them? Of course not. A clique of collusive clients could do exactly that and as long, as the server couldn't be 100% certain that at least ONE of these clients is valid (which it wouldn't because there would be no higher order validation in this concept), it couldn't be sure about ANY of them. Yeah - sure, the probability would be less and maybe this concept
could work in a sufficiently large and distributed clients base. In case you haven't realized: In a situation, where we can have 90% of the pool capacity provided by
one man, this is no viable way.
Malicious Verifier Attack: Let's say we issued a challenge to a client and he answered (and correctly so, but we don't know that), so we issue the same challenge to another client who purposefully claims a different challenge response. We would now have to issue a 3rd challenge to another client and hopefully get a 2:1 vote. But wait - what if this 3rd client also was a malicious verifier? See above collusive clients. This way, they could keep "unwanted competition" from the pool. They could provide specific challenge responses, so when asked for a verification, they would know this is from "one of theirs" and ack it.
Performance Impact: If you knew how the client and the generator worked, you would not speak of "lower the speed a little bit". At this moment, the final address generation and checking pipeline is on GPU. Even if I discard the performance loss and the code complexity of computing that "xor": Moving data not only back from GPU, but also across the network - n-redundantly -
even if it worked conceptually, would not be a "little bit" impact.
Executive summary:
SopaXT - you have still lots of things to learn. If you want to make yourself useful and learn new skills beyond TI-82 BASIC programming in a project that actually
could provide you an excellent ground for this, you probably should not start by insulting and pissing off the project leader. Then, your knee-jerk-level R&D suggestions would probably be met with more benevolence - maybe even indulgence. Unfortunately you closed that door for yourself a week ago.