IrishcoinWhat is IrishCoin?You may have heard much in the news of Bitcoin, a payment and completely digital money system. IrishCoin is a similar de-centralised digital currency, with a focus though predominantly for the Irish tourist sector. We are not striving to replace the Euro or create a new currency. We are instead using the same peer-to-peer crypto currency system as a vehicle to aid and promote the Irish tourism industry among the Irish diaspora in the US, Ireland, and globally. This uniquely sets IrishCoin out differently among the plethora of crypto currencies developing as alternatives to the money system you are used to.
Distribution of IrishCoinIrishCoin will be directly through global organizations, companies and and ventures connected to the Irish tourism industry. IrishCoin distribution will start initially with take up from online Irish social networks like with over 12,000 US and Irish members eligible to download digital wallets with IrishCoin. Negotiations are already in place with numerous other global Irish networks and we will be publishing more in the coming days. IrishCoin will also be distributed to businesses as a discount token on purchases where IrishCoin is accepted
No AIR-DROP:There are many emerging new crypto currencies advising that they will evenly distribute their coin among the population of the country by allowing individual citizens to sign up for 'free coins' that will be evenly allocated to the population at large. This system is not workable in Ireland, as unlike countries such as Iceland, we do not have a publicly available database uniquely identifying each person for verification, so many individuals can claim coins under various identities and many of the population will be totally unaware of the distribution of this new technology, leading to an unfair, unjust and flawed distribution of coins. IrishCoin will not be doing any such 'air-drop'. IrishCoin will solely be working with organisations associated with the tourism, hospitality and pubs and entertainment sector, acting as a discount voucher, and a payment remittance. The uptake in the industry for this purpose will undoubtedly see the value of IrishCoin increase with uptake with time. We don't expect an overnight boom. Growth in tandem with the re-established tourism industry is our goal.
IrishCoin Specs:Name: IrishCoin - Version 0.8.1 BETA
Symbol: IRL
Pre-Mine 4.5 Million IRL (Dedicated To Tourism Industry)
Based on latest Litecoin/Maplecoin 0.8.1 source
Using Scrypt Mining
Block Target: 120 seconds
Difficulty Re-Targets every 4 blocks based on last 90 blocks (Quick Difficulty Readjustment)
Block reward: 100 IRL halving every 320000 blocks (about 18 months)
Total coin mined: 64 million IRL
64 million coins will be mined in approx. first 7 years
Transaction Confirmations Needed: 6.
Downloads:irishcoinsetup.exeirishcoin.zipGithubWebsite:Irishcoin.orgFacebook: can already buy Guinness with IRL
Official IrishCoin Paper Wallet Generator IrishCoin Faucet:FaucetAndroid / OSX / Mobile Bounty:Contact the devs