even as the responses were worrying
COVID and the data breach I could accept. Holidays is unacceptable. If you have a critical vulnerability that can result in your users losing all their bitcoin, I expect people to be working overtime to get it fixed ASAP. And they knew about it for
months. The entire security team was on holiday for 3 months? Come on.
I do not think that the risk includes all altcoins, but all Bitcoin Hardforks.
Ledger released a list of all the coins affected on the link I shared above:
https://donjon.ledger.com/lsb/014/I’m just wondering if they’ll finally realize that security comes first, and only then add support for various shitcoins and options to buy coins directly via Ledger Live.
That's actually a very good point. Ledger Live trading was launched a couple of months ago, which means they were developing and launching this while they were fully aware of this bug. COVID and holidays aren't an issue when it comes to launching a service with ridiculous fees to bump up their profits it seems.
I use very few altcoins, the ones I do use wouldn't make my bitcoin susceptible, and the altcoin wallets I do have are stored under different passphrases from my bitcoin wallets, so it wouldn't matter anyway, but I am incredibly unimpressed by Ledger's attitude to this.