Website Monokh released report for new vulnerability found in wallet can lead to theft of user funds.
Anyone using Bitcoin forks (Litecoin, BCash, testnet Bitcoin etc.) could e affected with this issue.
Ledger was informed about this but it still remain unaddressed!
The ledger device exposes bitcoin (mainnet) public key and signing functionality outside of the "Bitcoin" app. It presents misleading transaction confirmation requests indicating the selected app's addresses and amounts when in fact different transactions are being signed.
The issue
It was discovered that for Bitcoin and Bitcoin forks, the device exposes it's functions for any of the assets. In other words, having unlocked the Litecoin app, you will receive a confirmation request for a Bitcoin transfer while the interface presents it as a transfer of Litecoins to a Litecoin address. Accepting the confirmation produces a fully valid signed Bitcoin (mainnet) transaction.
Steps to reproduce:
Open the Litecoin app
Retrieve mainnet bitcoin (segwit) addresses using getWalletPublicKey('84'/0'/0'/').publicKey
Query UTXOs and construct a bitcoin transaction to spend outputs
Send createPaymentTransactionNew(...) to prompt device for signing this transaction
Receive Bitcoin Mainnet valid signed transaction
Expectation: Ledger device should throw an error at step 2 and step 4 and prevent execution
Actual: Ledger prompts user for a litecoin transaction and produces a valid signed transaction spending the Bitcoin utxos
The implications are serious. As briefly covered, users expect to be protected by the ledger device when they have not unlocked their Bitcoin app. Yet, while having an altcoin unlocked, external applications can still:
- Read the Bitcoin xpub (thereby knowing all addresses belonging to the wallet)
- Prompt Bitcoin transactions from the device that will be displayed as altcoin transactions
What is easy solution for regular users?- Avoid using any altcoin apps in Ledger walet.
Website source: