So you are telling me comparing two worlds, one where it is illegal and you may die and you may get caught and jailed and there are fines and it is risky and you are getting it from people who you have no idea how they are producing it , versus a world where it is legal and you know where you are getting it from and even there is maybe FDA approval pending or done, where you can get it without worrying about doing anything illegal, would have similar situations or the first would even be better? I have to say that is bs. If it is legal then there will be more people who will have access without worrying about it at all.
Instead of getting from some thug in the ghetto, it will be a shop that you will get from. All in all you will be getting it a lot easier without any worry at all which is the proof that people will be using it a lot more as well since it is easier to trust and not worry and not fear.
Michael Moore's "Where to invade next" (part in Portugal) -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd7Dc9KTy20Jostorres you can take a look at what happened in Portugal and how they did it! People will not use drugs more if they get decriminalized, not if you work on education, improve health care, and probably you can do with the money you get from taxing drugs that will be on the street anyway!
Maybe you can compare alcohol with drugs, you have it everywhere, it's more harmful than some recreational drugs that are banned, but not all people are alcoholics! And if we can learn something from prohibition is that prohibition creates people like Al Capone... and probably it's what we have today, people who are bigger and crazier than old All!