I have initially asked for an extension upto 18th to pay back my loan. However, I'm stuck with coins in crashed ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out to get back things. Please give me 5 more days to pay back the loan. Please don't sell or do any other things, I request you. I need that account. I will pay the loan amount + interest + additional interest + additional tips to allow me to take this more time to pay back the loan. I hope you understand my position.
Thanks and Regards,
Hello there cryptospreader,
First i like to thank you for leting me know about your problem.
Second, i understand your situation and i hope that you recover and fix this. So, i will give you the extension that you need, plus 2 more days.
Loan Extension : Granded.
Repayment Date : 25/10
Dont worry about your Account, its safe and in my hands.
- Condoras -