Loan Extension Request : Approved.
Amount of Repayment : 3200 DOGE
Date of Full Repayment : 01/09/2021
Please when it will be the time for your Repayment, on or before 01/09/2021, let me know so I provide you that time the Repayment Address.
Thank you and BTCe safe.
- Condoras -
As discussed in PM we will extend this loan.
Repayment date: 1th of October
Repayment Amount : 3500 DOGE
Hello dre1982.
Loan Extension Request : Approved.
Amount of Repayment : 3500 DOGE
Date of Full Repayment : 01/10/2021
Please when it will be the time for your Repayment, on or before 01/10/2021, let me know so I provide you that time the Repayment Address.
Thank you and BTCe safe.
- Condoras -