Message: Hi Condoras. This is shield132 and I need a loan of 4.5 LTC. Will repay back 4.9 in two week or earlier the way we agreed!
Signature: GwbXiR6mNaWnLgYsC5d/B7/52dbFBs4hVdWAN8YKjaJAZmH54stwdUTzD1B5rS4n8owgVusxeQREf+M8+UFufwc=
Loan Amount: 4.5 LTC
Reason: Personal
Term Length: 14 days
Collateral: None
Hello shield132.
Unfortunately, for some reason, I can't verify your signed message. Can you check it and see if it's right or perhaps make a new one? Thank you!
- Condoras -
Btw this is another message that was signed by me and verified by Condoras for this loan.
Address: 1Gio8A6zSxqQWE5UgYLnHYGbgHH3k6WQQH
Message: it is shield, condoras!
Signature: G7p6brdworQmTMjFJXBK0nBpA132UX1qiyFCGmLMSezsQNp4CH/psoaFNUD4kp5ub2TD3j8ZEbJPaqzOnXJ1Zoc=
Loan Request : Granted.
Signed Message : Verified.
Amount of Loan : 4.5 LTC- Send : 1- 44bfe74fd3803a88ca34296b3531dfb22a7d021dcae8b05b0d11bfcc8bbac97a/ 2- Is Internal transfer through Binance.
Amount of Repayment : 4.9 LTC
Date of Full Repayment : 30/07/2021
Please when it will be the time for your Repayment, on or before 30/07/2021, let me know so I provide you at that time the Repayment Address.
Thank you and enjoy.
- Condoras -