Username: Vhern
Loan Amount: 0.03
Reason of loan: Personal
Collateral: This bitcointalk account
Amount to be returned:0.034
Return Date: before or august 6
Hello and thank you for your consideration.
Can you sign the Message that i have post in the start of my Thread? If its possible for this Address : 1ER7jyQPJauPP1mSWeBqpBYnguabC9gc2q
I can give you for this Collateral 0.02BTC.
If you agree, sign the message and after doing this, send me your Collateral details to secure your account and send the funds.
Thank you for your time.
I can't sign message to the btc address of 1ER7jyQPJauPP1mSWeBqpBYnguabC9gc2q because made a new update and I can't find the sign button message maybe this one will provide.
I can only sign a message to this address 16nZLu3CLb8KnJNzF3fLBzVa8ML19wnUNC
Sign Message.
Stake address.
I will pay the borrowed btc earlier or september 6 forum time with only 10% interest as the lender rule.
Please send the loan request of 0.02 here 1E9z9wmLeFLUSdHBvtQrFHdz3LrUdef8fo
will send now the account.
Loan Request : Granded.
Sign Message : Verified.
Collateral : Secured.
Amount of Loan : 0.02BTC - Send :
Repayment Date : 06/09
Amount of Repayment : 0.022BTC
Please, repay on or before 06/09 to this Address : 1D2mFapJVNz87yV4CrXGab2kkFzWgB3xgc
If you fail to repay on time and 5 days pass witn no communication of any kind, i will have the right to keep OR sell your Collateral.
Thank you and enjoy.
- Condoras -
hello condoras this is Vhern I want to repaid my account today could you kindly check my request here knight just dissppear I don't know why but if is it possible can you hold this account of mine so I can pay my account I hope to hear from you
Hello Vhern,
I dont really understand what you are trying to say...
You want to Repay your Loan to me earlier or you want an extension?