Hello condoras? I just want give suggesting, how if candidates of lender who has good reputation or position of account bitcointalk more than full member can be given loans without collateral?. I think it will become attractiveness of your services, but it is just my ideas because there are not many who apply this rules. Thank you very much.
Hello there.
If i understand correctly, you ask me to who i can give Loans without Collateral, yes?
For me there is no "form" or "rule" for this. The history of the member that ask the Loan, Trust, Posts, Inactivity, Reason for asking a Loan, the story he will tell...
Thats why i preffer always something as Collateral. Its easier and provide a safetyness for both parties.
Thank you though for your time posting here and for your idea.
Loan Amount: 0.009
Reason: Fare
BTC Address: 397p3NB9EF8ja3QXNUykTtqvvDekBANxat
Term Length: 7 days
Collateral: This account
Hello there,
You can provide a Sign Message as you see in the start of my Thread, for your oldest Address?
If you can, i can give you 0.008 for this Collateral of yours.
Amount of Repayment will be 0.009, if you dont mind.
Think about it and let me know from here.
Thank you.
Sorry Condoras I editted my reply. This is the address I signed
Loan Amount: 0.009
Reason: Fare
BTC Address: 1C6n9NMFeQ8m1qZaphqSNKLQc2V7QB3Sh5
Term Length: 7 days
Collateral: This account
I am Mongwapog from bitcointalk.org, today is August 27, 2016. I am asking for a loan from condoras with my account as collateral. If i default my loan, condoras will be the new owner of my account.