We are iStakeEM, a PoS altcoin mining business.
We always promised the crypto community that if we ever found a way to show all the other cloud mining businesses how to do it, we would make a cloud based mining business and prove to them you can make a great ROI and us still being very honest. We don’t hide behind WhoIS because we won’t waste your investments on some domain name that the bad governments could easily take down.
First, a little about the founder of iStakeEM. He is a former Forex trading, selling off his entire portfolio so to build the largest bitcoin mining farm in the third-world country which he currently resides, but is a US citizen abiding by all laws of the US America. His largest bitcoin mining operation was complete with west-facing solar panels to get the maximum output from the sun during the peek afternoon hours. Unfortunately, jealous yokels burnt the place to the ground losing the profitable operation that also consisted of other businesses and his home in the basement, causing him, his wife, and two kids to move across the street to live with his in-laws.
Not to be deterred, the founder went on a quest to rebuild while conducting seminars all across the country where he lives. Not touching any of his Forex profits in reserves, he took advantage of the myriad faucets available from new and existing cryptos. Within three short months, he had enough to purchase his first bitcoin miner which ROIed quicker than anybody else, so he purchased a second, repeated the process, then several others, to finally, once again, having the largest bitcoin mining farm in the country where he resides.
Being an honest and giving man, he, along with a team of like-minded individuals, built iStakeEM from scratch, all working hard hours on end investigating the various Proof-of-Stake coins between thier online gaming activities. We are now proud to announce that the task has been completed.
No matter how you want to rationalize the situation in your mind Bruno the fact is you lied to a competitor in order to get ahead, you felt threatened and irritated by him and his competitive antics and the best decision you could come up with in your mind was to Lie to him in order to get ahead. This shows your true colors Bruno at its finest. When backed into a corner, and angry at someone your best defense is to lie.
And I did not Need wofvman in order to get StakeMiners launched, Tai and I had been friends looking together how we could make a system that would be a good investment opportunity for people. I made a business agreement with him, this is why he is involved, See Bruno when you make a business deal with someone you should do your best to honor the promises you make in that business deal, even if it means angry people who fail at their own projects will belittle you and take the information and smear your name thru the mud because of it.
I am absolutely not embarrassed I am able to make a promise and keep it.
So, you made a business deal with a person you didn't need, eh? And tell me more about this friendship between you and Wofvman while I go and hunt the first time he came to your Facebook page and introduced himself after you just learnt about Bitcoin back in June, 2014, and NOT in 2009 like you have fuckin' lied about, or do you want to go on record once again and declare that you did not lie and were part of Bitcoin during its nascent stage while you were in Carolina and some fuck buddy told you about it so you investigated Bitcoin, or was it you learnt about Bitcoin on all the Forex forums you were a member of and started investing Bitcoin, both STORIES you've told, and both CAN'T be fuckin' true.
Now, go get a blowjob from your retard wife so that she can blow some sense into your ass since she'll be there anyway.