
Topic: Leroy Fodor has gone Full-Delusional! StakeMiners Confirmed .100%[sic] Insolvent - page 82. (Read 294785 times)

Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

cyberpinoy, can we continue the discussion here as adults? I promise I won't be deleting anything from this thread (not self-moderated as you can see).

Leroy Fodor: I feel it's a tarp! I may have had coconuts fall on my head, but I didn't have coconuts fall on my head yesterday.

McDonald's: Mr. Leroy Fodor, I've been reading your posts on the Internet...
Leroy: What does all those lies have to do with if I'm trustworthy to operate your cash register?
McDonald's: Actually, I was referring to the USO forums.
Leroy: Oh. That's not me. Wrong cyberpinoy.
McDonald's: Actually, it's the knlgfx user name I was referring to.

Leroy: You don't even want to give me a chance to show you the real me, do you? You're just like all those other rich businesses that won't hire me because they don't know how to run a business. If I had billions of dollars, I would start a franchise and show you how it's done properly. You guys just sit on your asses all day and watch and count your moneys is all you ever do. It's the small guys in the front lines that make your businesses tick. I know because I went to business school and got my degree at Ohio University. That's right, O H I O! I bet you can't even spell Ohio after I just spelt it for you. The bottom line is that you need me more than I need you and that's a true fact, JACK! You get to sit in your fancy office here in the back of McDonald's interviewing me while your minions are dealing with nasty customers. THAT MAKES ME SICK! The only reason I came here for a job in the first place is to help you guys out seeing that you had an ad in the paper looking for help. Hell, I would've even seen that ad if I wasn't done wiping my ass with the newspaper it was in. That's right, I wipe my ass with newspaper because toilet paper is so Goddamn expensive here in the Philippines. I hate this place and I can't wait to sell my StakeMiners Ponzi site so that I can move my family back to Carolina near MOMMY where I can be appreciated.

McDonald's: You still suck MOMMY'S tits?

Leroy: HAHAHA You're just like suchmoon and Bruno twisting my words. You know I didn't say that even though it was implied and may be a true fact, but the bottom line is that you still need me and aliens do exist. I've seen them. I've fed them cigarette butts. Have you done that? NO! Why? Because you don't believe in aliens is why. If you just open your eyes you'll see them everywhere. Hell, you even have one working here. That gal with pink hair eating her boogers. She's one. You want proof? Have you ever seen her wash her hands? I bet not. Why? Because aliens don't bathe. They fear water. Go ahead and make fun of me. Join the crowd. Go ahead and don't hire me. Join the crowd. I don't care. If you don't hire me, I'll just start a scam thread about this McDonald's on the Internet and show the whole world your true nature. I'm sick of peoples like you. SICK!

McDonald's: Well, I'm sad to say that we can't hire you because you're over qualified.

Leroy: Finally, somebody gets it. Thank you, sir.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
As I watched payouts today I noticed a lot of smaller investors getting payouts. It was nice to see a lot of small guys getting some earnings paid to their wallets. I did not calculate how long they have been with us, just as I was making the payouts I always look at the invested amounts and today a saw a nice handful of small investors getting a payout, so i was happy to see we are able to generate some income even for small investors.

Since I can't comment on the above because of the Fodor SMT Wall, I guess I'll start quoting everything Leroy pens there and post it over here in this non-SMT scam tread on StakeMiners' Ponzi' ass.

Even though this unsubstantial post litter with obvious lies could easily stand on it own sans comment, I'll simply say... Hey, look! Leroy Fodor writes more fluff for his creative spelling class. HAHAHA
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
All rise! The Honorable Leroy Fodor is here to conduct the retard BOI meeting.

Leroy: Please be seated. Seriously, I insist, please sit down. Why is everybody still standing?
BOI Dude: There's no chairs.
Leroy: Yes there are. There... are... four... chairs!
BOI Dude: Got it!
Leroy: What's first to be discussed?
Nigel: I motion we lower the age limit from 18 to 16 so that more people can join the StakeMiners Ponzi.
BOI Dude: I second the motion.
Leroy: All those in favor, say HAHAHA.
Leroy: Meeting adjourned!

StakeMiners just conducted a very successful BOI meeting and we talked about many things. Soon, you'll see changes to our ToS. I am so proud of what we have done to date. One of the ten BOI dudes really intimidates me. We are able to accomplish so much in spite of suchmoon and Bruno dissing us with thier twisted lies. It saddens me that Bruno is the way he is because he seems like a smart person and all even tho he didnt go to Ohio Univercity like i did to get mine degree in busness. HAHAHA and a miner in creative spelling

"These humans are really beginning to piss me off! I asked for the MOON dude, and what do they present to me? HAHAHA. Like I already don't have enough redneck HAHAHA dudes to contend with down yonder."
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Why did Leroy Fodor approve a 16 year old boy to be a BoI trustee when its clear as day that the boy broke StakeMiners' ToS, in essence lied about his age, namely being at least 18 years old? Isn't that, too, just another form of scamming the cryptocurrency community?

Ain't it a fuckin' shame that not only is Leroy Fodor fucking himself, but also his friends and family, and now a promising lad in Alabama. I'd say that's one sick motherfucker!
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Why did the retard chicken cross the road?

It heard there was of a retard BoI meeting and wanted to see firsthand... SPLAT!
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Direct, from the desk of Fodor Gives Me More Fodder,

Payouts are earnings paid to a bitcoin payout address

Withdraws are investment withdraws

Reinvestments are calculated earning which you have requested to be added to your deposited amount.

Investment withdraws have a penalty

Weekly payouts do not have a penalty or a fee.

Suchmoon you were asked not to post in this thread and as such all posts from you will be deleted. Respect is earned Suchmoon not freely given, i do apologize if you do not like this outcome, but you are involved in a huge Smear campaign against StakeMiners and myself and your motives are unclear so until we do know and understand what it is you are trying to accomplish I have no choice but to delete your posts and assume they have some hidden agenda of fathering your smear campaign you have against us. I do apologize sir.

TOS changes can only be made after approval of the BOI. We are addressing the TOS in the next BOI meeting.

How is that every other retard on the planet would be able to figure out what our motives are since March, 2015, but not the WOT gone Full FODOR!? Strike that, for I think I just figured it out upon penning that last sentence.

The primary motive is that it's been established by virtually everybody in the cryptocurrency community (thanks to my ongoing efforts) that you, Leroy Fodor, are a serial liar, ergo shouldn't be trusted administering any crypto-based entity, especially one that's obviously a Ponzi scheme.

StakeMiners' own ToS clearly states that nobody under the age of 18 years old is permitted to partake in what it has to offer, yet one of your ten Boofis (Board of Investors) is ONLY 16 years old, perhaps was ONLY 15 years old when he entered StakeMiners' Ponzi scheme, namely Nigel Dollentas from Alabama, originally from Manila, Philippines, one big island away from where your scammy ass currently resides with your retard wife and soon-to-be two foster children when they drag their parents away to reside at some Hilton for a spell for breaking various laws in at least two countries.

Quit aside: I bet Leroy Fodor is one jealous fuck of me because he can't pen long sentences that are grammatically correct. HAHAHA
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

Who can forget the total trainwreck of a company that is Amy's Baking Co? In early 2013, Amy's Baking Company was featured on an episode of Chef Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, in which he tried to help them clean up their act by changing up their menus -- and their attitudes.

The episode can be summed up by noting that this was the only restaurant which Ramsay had ever abandoned due to their terrible work ethics and refusal to change. Amy and her husband are seen yelling at customers on camera, berating their own staff, and having public meltdowns inside their store.

And then come the lies. Not only was Amy's Baking Company doing a terrible job of keeping customers happy or returning, but they were discovered to be selling cakes and pastries that had been bought by third party wholesalers -- and passing them off as their own.

As if it weren't bad enough that Amy's Baking Company was selling stale old cake that they claimed was their own, owner Amy had a dramatic meltdown on Facebook and Reddit after she was ousted. No apology, no plans to change up the way the company works, just straight up lunacy. Amy cursed at her (presumably former) customers, accused "haters" of trying to "bring them down out of jealousy," and stated that there was nothing wrong or illegal about repackaging third party goods. As if that makes their deceitfulness any better.

"Amy, I just love watching Bruno work his magic while we're waiting for our third-party pastries to arrive."

Here's the bottom line: Eventually Leroy Fodor will no longer be a part of the cryptocurrency space. I know it, you know it, and even Leroy Fodor knows it. But, what this fucked-in-the-head retard continually fails to realize is that each passing day he opts to continue hanging around these parts espousing his lies and administering his StakeMiners' Ponzi, he's just making himself and his family miserable during the interim. That's a prime example of a sadist in anybody's book.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
I would like to mention a post that was recently deleted, I did so because I feel he was impersonating a MOD. If he in fact was a mod threatening negative trust then a PM has been sent and you can address it there.

Ain't that fuckin' special! Leroy Fodor deleted a post from his self-moderated thread because he felt that whomever penned a post there was impersonating a MOD. Exactly how does one go about impersonating a MOD in the first place. I wanna try my hand at that ruse, especially the part where I can threaten negative trust, something I personally have yet to partake it, and have no plans on starting the practice, including with the venerable Leroy Fodor, my favorit SPORT in the whole wide world.

I can't wait for Google to index the cache to see what this phantom MOD penned. I guess we can safely assume he or she wasn't praising StakeMiners' noble efforts to the cryptocurrency space, eh?

WTF! I honestly (not italicized) thought was dead so I quit goin' there. Thanks, suchmoon.  Grin Nice find/catch.

So, an [assumed] MOD registered a new account today to professional ask Leroy Fodor a couple questions that included a quasi-threat of sorts. So, instead of Leroy addressing the questions, he simply found an out via his "feelings" and deleted the post so that he doesn't have to answer the questions. Yet, this fuckin' retard has the gull to call you, suchmoon, and I scammers because we, too, have been, in essence, asking the same questions, myself since March, 2015.

Here's the fuckin' bottom line: It's 100% the likes of Leroy Fodor that Bitcoin continues to have a bad light shown on it. And this fucker, Leroy Fodor, honestly believes that his noble efforts with his StakeMiners' Ponzi is here to save the day for Bitcoin because its developers are lazy pieces of shit, coupled with not have a fuckin' clue as to what they're doin'.

What makes the above so fuckin' hilarious is because it's all true and that is what Leroy Fodor HONESTLY believes.

This retard, Leroy Fodor simply just won't go away. Hell, even Curtis Green, the dude who the FBI faked his death to crack the Silk Road case, was smart enough to leave this forum after I shoved it up his royal lyin' piece of shit ass. And, supposedly, FOX is (pretty sure it's now WAS, thanks to a couple emails) planning on including him in some Silk Road special.

And, let's not forget about John Fitzpatrick who was recently revealed to be a fraud thanks in part to my efforts where the mainstream media finally put two and two together.

NEWSFLASH, Leroy Fodor: I've only begun to fuck with you and your retard BOI trustees. In my book, every day is Leroy Fodor Day. HAHAHA That's the call used to attract Fodors into a bag so that one can club it to death. HAHAHA

Before I reveal which mod I am on this forum and start doling out negative trusts of my own, I believe it's prudent that StakeMiners, or whomever's in control, to address the following two points presented by Bruno, a person not necessarily on my "like" list:

Has StakeMiners broken their own TOS by trading with Nigel Dollentas which seems to be only 16?
Exactly when did Leroy Fodor first get involved with Bitcoin? Asking because the May 26 2014 post looks extremely convincing to be the answer.

Thank you in advance.


I like this Schnitzel quasi-MOD dude even though he may not care too much about me.

I feel that Leroy Fodor deleted the post because ... wait for it ... he doesn't want to address legit questions and concerns.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I would like to mention a post that was recently deleted, I did so because I feel he was impersonating a MOD. If he in fact was a mod threatening negative trust then a PM has been sent and you can address it there.

Ain't that fuckin' special! Leroy Fodor deleted a post from his self-moderated thread because he felt that whomever penned a post there was impersonating a MOD. Exactly how does one go about impersonating a MOD in the first place. I wanna try my hand at that ruse, especially the part where I can threaten negative trust, something I personally have yet to partake it, and have no plans on starting the practice, including with the venerable Leroy Fodor, my favorit SPORT in the whole wide world.

I can't wait for Google to index the cache to see what this phantom MOD penned. I guess we can safely assume he or she wasn't praising StakeMiners' noble efforts to the cryptocurrency space, eh?

Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
I would like to mention a post that was recently deleted, I did so because I feel he was impersonating a MOD. If he in fact was a mod threatening negative trust then a PM has been sent and you can address it there.

Ain't that fuckin' special! Leroy Fodor deleted a post from his self-moderated thread because he felt that whomever penned a post there was impersonating a MOD. Exactly how does one go about impersonating a MOD in the first place. I wanna try my hand at that ruse, especially the part where I can threaten negative trust, something I personally have yet to partake it, and have no plans on starting the practice, including with the venerable Leroy Fodor, my favorit SPORT in the whole wide world.

I can't wait for Google to index the cache to see what this phantom MOD penned. I guess we can safely assume he or she wasn't praising StakeMiners' noble efforts to the cryptocurrency space, eh?
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

"See, retard? I just proved God wrong, for I'm living proof that he fucks up."

"[Leroy] F[r]odor, quit fondling thy father's precious like you do your [ringed] Prince Albert!"
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Best thread ever Smiley))))))) Thank you Gleb!

hero member
Activity: 729
Merit: 513
Best thread ever Smiley))))))) Thank you Gleb!
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

"Can I use the force of 4 or more computers as one merged unit or must I register them all as separate workers."

"Seriously, we have a great show for your folks tonight. We have the scammer Gleb Gamow of the BitcoinTalk community in da house. He'll have you rollin' in the aisles using only the words of the venerable Leroy Fodor as fodder for his comedy routine."
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

"HA... HA... HA... There... are... negative... trusts!"

"The WOT Fodor wants to say something."

"I possess the DNA of Species FODOR. I'm willing to trade it for a nice cup of Earl Grey, hot."
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
YOu know I could understand If I was a bad person, but neither Bruno nor Suchmoon ever even tried to get to know the real me, In fact both have overwhelmingly avoided such a situation. They dont want to meet me, the one actually sitting behind the computer, they just feed off stuff floating around the internet, they dont want the truth, they want an argument, attention anything so they can hammer you and hammer you.

Wait, there's a Leroy Fodor who hasn't lied on the Internet since its inception? Suchmoon and I would simply love to sit down and buy this dude a steak dinner and talk about cigarette-butt-eating aliens and west-facing solar panel on a hot tin roof surrounded on three sides by coconut trees powering the largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines purchased with moneys from the sale of a retired Forex commodity portfolio after selling a residential toilet-bowl-cleaning business in Carolina. Hell, we could even film it and split the profits three ways since it'll enjoy a much larger viewership than My Dinner with Andre.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145

I find it funny in all this crap I have dealt with since march when we launched most of Brunos accusations have been disproved by his own supporting evidence mind you, But y'all skim past that information, he used his own alt accounts to get the thread moving, you skimmed past that to and missed it, But the kicker, the real issue that all of you hammering me in this thread both avoid and refuse to accept, is Bruno has dug in my life clear back to the late 1990s, thats a lot of years folks, and uncovered not 1 single instance where I have scammed anyone, stolen from them, bribed them, swindled them, he cant even get proof to show where I have broken the smallest of a promise I made. Yea yea to you guys this means nothing, and I could accept that if we were talking about 2 years of backtracking or maybe even 5 years of backtracking, But almost 17 years backtracking and not one single instance, thats a different story.

I guess that is why theymos and ALL the mods on this forum have been pressuring me of late to lock this now 39-page thread since all I'm now doing is talking in circles vis-à-vis my (Bruno Kucinskas) Leroy Fodor accusations have been disproved by me with the evidence clearly found in this now obvious worthless thread enjoying over 46K views, whereas the venerable Leroy Fodor's StakeMiners' Ponzi thread has a formidable 19K+ views, and any gaming retard living in the Philippines can clearly see that 19K+ is bigger than 46K+ because 19K+ has a 9 in it.

Leroy Fodor, I will fuck with you, and fuck with you, and fuck with you, and fuck with you, and fuck with you until you are no longer part of this forum. WHY! Because you deleted my post on your self-moderated thread (see OP, everybody, for proof).  Cry Cry Cry
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
Let's Play Juxtapose!

The object of the game is to correctly name who said the following two quotes. No trickery, for they are two separate individuals. Feel free to use your friend, Google.

You guys are awful unfair for a group who cries I got scammed, in a sense demanding sympathy of such actions. You ALL lack the empathy of those who have been scammed before, Its not my fault 2 different people accused him of stealing BTC thru a dice game, I had a dice game no one accused me of stealing anyones coins, heck even when we shut the game down I made sure the people who were holding coins there got them returned.

As with any movements in the market up or down I have enough order activity going on that my risk is very limited.  In most cases the coins go uncovered less than a few hours, I have yet to come even close to taking a loss on any deal.  With that said, in the event there was a huge change in the market and I needed to personally cover the difference I am more than willing to do so.  Those that have worked with me in the past know that if something was to happen and I lost my ass on a deal, the people I owe debts to wouldn't even know it happened. HAHAHA
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