current price makes me buying a certain amount of btc per month.
Let me guess, you were telling people to buy all the way down from $1000? Please, don't waste these people's good time with your baseless 'gut instincts'.
The price is now around $600 and it would not seem right for it to drop all the way back to $100.
If it happens then that means that bitcoin will die and you do not buy then because you will make no money back.
Yeah if bitcoin falls down to that level then there is seriously something wrong with it and at that stage we cannot afford to invest in it blindly as it may disappear or die after that particular point.
It is exactly such a price would mean the death of Bitcoin. I do not know who else can wait for such a price. Personally, I look forward to the growth of prices for Bitcoin
We cannot expect that in near future price will keep on moving only in upward direction, it can go down extremely as well but I don't think that we will ever see that low price of bitcoin in future.