The sanders people (blm) have soros as their sugar daddy. He is not an outsider.
I forgot, funded by george soros too.
The 'cui bono' principle leads me to question whether it is appropriate to consider BLM and MoveOn to be 'Sanders people'. They are certainly Soros people (else they would not exist as a group) but that they are doing Sanders no favors in the scheme of things.
When I started looking into the European 'immigrant' issue, there seemed to be compelling evidence that Soros funded organizations were producing 'how to' guides showing routes to different European countries and distributing them around N.Africa and the Middle East. Interesting. The guy does seem to 'think big.'
Ok. Let's say that sanders himself is a soros puppet. That would more appropriate. Do you remember why was created in 1998? Soros $$ is behind both now.