>Who is devil then?
English is clearly not your native tongue. Not mine either, so I'll
help you out here.
Your "
analogy" between DAO investors and murder (and not the attacker) makes no sense, this is why I'm asking you who devil is - or simply: wth are you talking about.
Regardless of mine (and yours) English - your name, status and tone seams flame seeking troll wannabe to me and therefore I'm done feeding you.
If, upon reading my post, you concluded that my intent is to draw on similarities between DAO investors and the act of murder, your lacking is deeper than poor grasp of the English language. I'll dig up the post in question... ah, hereitis!
Devil's advocate here:
>it is called "experiment"
So is Bitcoin
>it is another crypto project where every newbie manual repeats:"high risk investment"
This shit don't fly IRL courts.
>it is unregulated unprotected digital universe disconnected from real world financial and legal systems
Oft-disproved argument; see: BTC
>it is all involved investors intention to make profit by smart actions at right time; "The Attaker" made best smart move and suddenly others want do change rules to reverse his result
Theft and murder may also be "smart actions at the right time," which is not to say "approved by the courts."
>they would never consider anything wrong if investment would multiply in their favour.
True, though irrelevant.
I'll tract you through this, Friend!
The analogy is being drawn between "smart actions," in this case theft and murder, and the "smart actions" of "The Attaker [sic]."
This analogy draws on a particular similarity between said sets of "smart actions."
Quiz time:
Can you guess, based on the context, the similarity I am alluding to? No? Despair not, Friendo, follow me!
The similarity lies in the fact that committing murder may serve one's enlightened self-interest at certain junctures in life. From this, one should not infer that that said "smart actions" are good, right, or would not earn you a delightful, all-expense-paid holiday at Club Fed.
Today's lesson is free, because educating the great unwashed is in
my enlightened self-interest.
Because society.
>status and tone seams flame seeking troll wannabe
I tried to help you, Friend: "so I'll
help you out here." Click on the fucking link.
If there are things you do not understand but would like to, don't hesitate to ask