I am a farmer, and I own my field. One day, I decide I would like to trade some of my grain for a new tractor. I find someone willing to build me a tractor in exchange for some of my grain. Have I done something wrong? Has the tractor manufacturer?
The tractor maker gives you a tractor because building tractors is its own reward.
The steel maker gives him the steel because working around dangerously hot molten metal is its own reward.
The miner give the ore to the smelter because crawling around in holes in the ground is its own reward.
Anyone who believes this shit should schedule a road trip and go on a mine tour.
Well, traditional anarchists deal in two ways for the "bad jobs" (crawling in holes) that nobody would like to do:
1) Some anarchists, let's say the "purist", say that
unpleasant but necessary jobs would be shared by all members of the community, always voluntarily. For example: you would go to mine yourself for a week because it's a
service for your community, and you would be happy to do that.
2) Some others say that those works would be associated with a
higher reward to the individuals performing this jobs.
Then you have the capitalist way to deal with unpleasant jobs:
you will always have someone hungry enough do that job, because crawaling in holes is the only way he has to feed himselfNormally anarchists are for 1), and they explain why this works and why this type of mutual aid is natural to humanity through studies on both animals and pre-private property communities, etc. Of course reading is advised, and if you decide that this is utter bullshit and that type of society is pure utopia, that no human would do something "because its a service for the community", no problem: that was not the point of my post.