How to stave pollution? Private property. When the lake is owned by everybody, it's upkeep is the responsibility of nobody.
How to stave horrible food? I heard poisoning your food is a good business practice.
How to stave a banking crisis? A banking system rooted in private property ethic - no fractional reserve lending, no bailouts, no central banking.
How to stave long work hours? Capital, investment, productivity, deflation. All products of Capitalism.
As I said, sound good on paper, but in practice, it falls apart. These corporate oligarchs would sell their mother for an extra 1% profit.
How are Libertarians taking away healthcare from people? The government doesn't make money, it receives money from taking taxes from people who work. The people who work are the ones paying for healthcare that other people get for free.
The people who get things for free, why don't they pay taxes or work? If you say it is unfair for them to not be provided for for doing nothing, then it is even more not fair for someones tax dollars to be used to give away free anything to people who aren't trying to work.
A social safety net is of course needed so don't get me wrong on what I am saying. There is only a certain amount of money to go around before everyone wanting free stuff cannot be sustained by it.
At least from what I heard what is happening in the US, is that Republicans/Libertarians want to take away healthcare aid from the poor.
This would mean 5 year old kids dying of some illness that could have been prevented.
I also heard that many people use the emergency rooms in the US, because that is free, because they can't pay for pre-consultations.
Meanwhile the profits of greedy insurances is going up, totally ignoring how one of the biggest insurances went bankrupt in 2008 due to their shitty practices, almost destroying the world economy.
So the insurance companies are welfare whores, they get bailouts, free money ,and favorable legislation, meanwhile 5 year old kids are dying of ilnesses.